(b) (i) Explain how the use of Ansoff’s product-market matrix might assist the management of Vision plc toreduce the profit-gap that is forecast to exist at 30 November 2009. (3 marks)


(b) (i) Explain how the use of Ansoff’s product-market matrix might assist the management of Vision plc to

reduce the profit-gap that is forecast to exist at 30 November 2009. (3 marks)

更多“(b) (i) Explain how the use of Ansoff’s product-market matrix might assist the management of Vision plc toreduce the profit-gap that is forecast to exist at 30 November 2009. (3 marks)”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    (b) Explain how Perfect Shopper might re-structure its upstream supply chain to address the problems identified

    in the scenario. (10 marks)

    (b) Perfect Shopper currently has a relatively short upstream supply chain. They are bulk purchasers from established suppliers
    of branded goods. Their main strength at the moment is to offer these branded goods at discounted prices to neighbourhood
    shops that would normally have to pay premium prices for these goods.
    In the upstream supply chain, the issue of branding is a significant one. At present, Perfect Shopper only provides branded
    goods from established names to its customers. As far as the suppliers are concerned, Perfect Shopper is the customer and
    the company’s regional warehouses are supplied as if they were the warehouses of conventional supermarkets. Perfect
    Shopper might look at the following restructuring opportunities within this context:
    – Examining the arrangements for the delivery of products from suppliers to the regional warehouses. At present this is in
    the hands of the suppliers or contractors appointed by suppliers. It appears that when Perfect Shopper was established
    it decided not to contract its own distribution. This must now be open to review. It is likely that competitors have
    established contractual arrangements with logistics companies to collect products from suppliers. Perfect Shopper must
    examine this, accompanied by an investigation into downstream distribution. A significant distribution contract would
    probably include the branding of lorries and vans and this would provide an opportunity to increase brand visibility and
    so tackle this issue at the same time.
    – Contracting the supply and distribution of goods also offers other opportunities. Many integrated logistics contractors also
    supply storage and warehousing solutions and it would be useful for Perfect Shopper to evaluate the costs of these.
    Essentially, distribution, warehousing and packaging could be outsourced to an integrated logistics company and Perfect
    Shopper could re-position itself as a primarily sales and marketing operation.
    – Finally, Perfect Shopper must review how it communicates orders and ordering requirements with its suppliers. Their
    reliance on supplier deliveries suggests that the relationship is a relatively straightforward one. There may be
    opportunities for sharing information and allowing suppliers access to forecasted demand. There are many examples
    where organisations have allowed suppliers access to their information to reduce costs and to improve the efficiency of
    the supply chain as a whole.
    The suggestions listed above assume that Perfect Shopper continues to only supply branded goods. Moving further upstream
    in the supply chain potentially moves the company into the manufacture and supply of goods. This will raise a number of
    significant issues about the franchise itself.
    At present Perfect Shopper has, by necessity, concentrated on branded goods. It has not really had to understand how these
    goods sell in specific locations because it has not been able to offer alternatives. The content of the standing order reflects
    how the neighbourhood shop wishes to compete in its locality. However, if Perfect Shopper decides to commission its own
    brand then the breadth of products is increased. Neighbourhood shops would be able to offer ‘own brand’ products to compete
    with supermarkets who also focus on own brand products. It would also increase the visibility of the brand. However, Perfect
    Shopper must be sure that this approach is appropriate as a whole. It could easily produce an own brand that reduces the
    overall image of the company and hence devalues the franchise. Much more research is needed to assess the viability ofproducing ‘own brand’ goods.

  • 第2题:

    (b) Explain how the process of developing scenarios might help John better understand the macro-environmental

    factors influencing Airtite’s future strategy. (8 marks)


    (b) Carrying out a systematic PESTEL analysis is a key step in developing alternative scenarios about the future. Johnson and
    Scholes define scenarios as ‘detailed and plausible views of how the business environment of an organisation might develop
    in the future based on groupings of key environmental influences and drivers of change about which there is a high level of
    uncertainty’. In developing scenarios it is necessary to isolate the key drivers of change, which have the potential to have a
    significant impact on the company and are associated with high levels of uncertainty. Development of scenarios enables
    managers to share assumptions about the future and the key variables shaping that future. This provides an opportunity for
    real organisational learning. They are then in a position to monitor these key variables and amend strategies accordingly. It
    is important to note that different stakeholder groups will have different expectations about the future and each may provide
    a key input to the process of developing scenarios. By their very nature scenarios should not attempt to allocate probabilities
    to the key factors and in so doing creating ‘spurious accuracy’ about those factors. A positive scenario is shown below and

    should provide a shared insight into the external factors most likely to have a significant impact on Airtite‘s future strategy.
    For most companies operating in global environments the ability to respond flexibly and quickly to macro-environmental
    change would seem to be a key capability.
    The scenario as illustrated below, clearly could have a major impact on the success or otherwise of Airtite’s strategy for the
    future. The key drivers for change would seem to be the link between technology and global emissions, fuel prices and the
    stability of the global political environment. Through creating a process which considers the drivers which will have most
    impact on Airtite and which are subject to the greatest uncertainty, Airtite will have a greater chance of its strategy adaptingto changing circumstances.

  • 第3题:

    (d) Draft a letter for Tim Blake to send to WM’s investors to include the following:

    (i) why you believe robust internal controls to be important; and

    (ii) proposals on how internal systems might be improved in the light of the overestimation of mallerite at


    Note: four professional marks are available within the marks allocated to requirement (d) for the structure,

    content, style. and layout of the letter.

    (16 marks)


    You will be aware of the importance of accurate resource valuation to Worldwide Minerals (WM). Unfortunately, I have to
    inform. you that the reserve of mallerite, one of our key minerals in a new area of exploration, was found to have been
    overestimated after the purchase of a mine. It has been suggested that this information may have an effect on shareholder
    value and so I thought it appropriate to write to inform. you of how the board intends to respond to the situation.
    In particular, I would like to address two issues. It has been suggested that the overestimation arose because of issues with
    the internal control systems at WM. I would firstly like to reassure you of the importance that your board places on sound
    internal control systems and then I would like to highlight improvements to internal controls that we shall be implementing
    to ensure that the problem should not recur.
    (i) Importance of internal control
    Internal control systems are essential in all public companies and Worldwide Minerals (WM) is no exception. If anything,
    WM’s strategic position makes internal control even more important, operating as it does in many international situations
    and dealing with minerals that must be guaranteed in terms of volume, grade and quality. Accordingly, your board
    recognises that internal control underpins investor confidence. Investors have traditionally trusted WM’s management
    because they have assumed it capable of managing its internal operations. This has, specifically, meant becoming aware
    of and controlling known risks. Risks would not be known about and managed without adequate internal control
    systems. Internal control, furthermore, helps to manage quality throughout the organisation and it provides
    management with information on internal operations and compliance. These features are important in ensuring quality
    at all stages in the WM value chain from the extraction of minerals to the delivery of product to our customers. Linked
    to this is the importance of internal control in helping to expose and improve underperforming internal operations.
    Finally, internal control systems are essential in providing information for internal and external reporting upon which, in
    turn, investor confidence rests.
    (ii) Proposals to improve internal systems at WM
    As you may be aware, mineral estimation and measurement can be problematic, particularly in some regions. Indeed,
    there are several factors that can lead to under or overestimation of reserves valuations as a result of geological survey
    techniques and regional cultural/social factors. In the case of mallerite, however, the issues that have been brought to
    the board’s attention are matters of internal control and it is to these that I would now like to turn.
    In first instance, it is clear from the fact that the overestimate was made that we will need to audit geological reports at
    an appropriate (and probably lower) level in the organisation in future.
    Once a claim has been made about a given mineral resource level, especially one upon which investor returns might
    depend, appropriate systems will be instituted to ask for and obtain evidence that such reserves have been correctly and
    accurately quantified.
    We will recognise that single and verbal source reports of reserve quantities may not necessarily be accurate. This was
    one of the apparent causes of the overestimation of mallerite. A system of auditing actual reserves rather than relying
    on verbal evidence will rectify this.
    The purchase of any going concern business, such as the mallerite mine, is subject to due diligence. WM will be
    examining its procedures in this area to ensure that they are fit for purpose in the way that they may not have been in
    respect of the purchase of the mallerite mine. I will be taking all appropriate steps to ensure that all of these internal
    control issues can be addressed in future.
    Thank you for your continued support of Worldwide Minerals and I hope the foregoing goes some way to reassure you
    that the company places the highest value on its investors and their loyalty.
    Yours faithfully,
    Tim Blake

  • 第4题:

    (c) Explain how absolutist (dogmatic) and relativist (pragmatic) ethical assumptions would affect the outcome

    of Anne’s decision. (6 marks)

    (c) Absolutism and relativism
    Absolutism and relativism represent two extreme positions of ethical assumptions.
    An absolutist assumption is one that believes that there are ‘eternal’ rules that should guide all ethical and moral decision
    making in all situations. Accordingly, in any given situation, there is likely to be one right course of action regardless of the
    outcome. An absolutist believes that this should be chosen regardless of the consequences or the cost. A dogmatic approach
    to morality is an example of an absolutist approach to ethics. A dogmatic assumption is one that is accepted without
    discussion or debate.
    Relativist assumptions are ‘situational’ in nature. Rather than arguing that there is a single right choice, a relativist will tend
    to adopt a pragmatic approach and decide, in the light of the situation being considered, which is the best outcome. This will
    involve a decision on what outcome is the most favourable and that is a matter of personal judgment.
    If Anne were to adopt absolutist/dogmatic assumptions, she would be likely to decide that she would need to pursue what
    she perceives is the right course of action regardless of cost to herself or the relationship with the client or her manager. Given
    that she unearthed a suspect and unaccounted-for payment, and that she received an inadequate explanation from the client,
    she would probably recommend extension to the audit beyond the weekend.
    If Ann were to adopt relativist or pragmatic assumptions, she would have a potentially much more complicated decision to
    make. She would have to decide whether it was more important, ethically, to yield to the pressure from Zachary in the
    interests of her short-term career interests or ‘hold out’ to protect the interests of the shareholders. Anne could recommend
    sign off and trust the FD’s explanation but she is more likely to seek further evidence or assurance from the company before
    she does so.

  • 第5题:

    (b) Explain how the use of SWOT analysis may be of assistance to the management of Diverse Holdings Plc.

    (3 marks)

    (b) The use of SWOT analysis will focus management attention on current strengths and weaknesses of each subsidiary company
    which will be of assistance in the formulating of the business strategy of Diverse Holdings Plc. It will also enable management
    to monitor trends and developments in the constantly changing environments of their subsidiaries. Each trend or development
    may be classified as an opportunity or a threat that will provide a stimulus for an appropriate management response.
    Management can make an assessment of the feasibility of required actions in order that the company may capitalise upon
    opportunities whilst considering how best to negate or minimise the effect of any threats.
    A SWOT analysis should assist the management of Diverse Holdings Plc as they must identify their strengths, weaknesses,
    opportunities and threats. These may be classified as follows:
    Strengths which appear to include both OFL and HTL.
    Weaknesses which must include PSL and its limited outlets, which generate little growth and could collapse overnight. KAL
    is also a weakness due to its declining profitability.
    Opportunities where OFT, HTL and OPL are operating in growth markets.
    Threats from which KAL is suffering.
    If these four categories are identified and analysed then the group should be strengthened.

  • 第6题:

    (b) Explain how the adoption of residual income (RI) using the annuity method of depreciation might prove to

    be a superior basis for the management incentive plan operated by NCL plc.

    (N.B. No illustrative calculations should be incorporated into your explanation). (4 marks)

    (b) The use of residual income as a basis for the management incentive plan operated by NCL plc would have the following
    Divisional management would be more willing to accept a project with a positive residual income and this would contribute
    to the improved performance of NCL plc. Also, the disincentive to accept a project with a positive residual income but a return
    on investment regarded by divisional management as not being in their best interests would be removed, because divisional
    management would be rewarded.
    The use of annuity depreciation may improve performance appraisal by removing the effect of straight-line depreciation which
    tends to distort project returns especially in the early years of a project’s life when invested capital remains relatively high due
    to the constant depreciation charge. The residual income approach using annuity depreciation will only match the NPV if the
    annual cashflows of a project are constant. Hence the method when applied to the North or South projects would produce
    an NPV which does not exactly match that previously calculated. By way of contrast it is forecast that the East project will
    have constant cashflows and in this instance the NPV and residual income based approach when discounted, will produce
    the same result.

  • 第7题:

    (ii) Explain how the existing product range and the actions per Note (3) would feature in Ansoff’s

    product-market matrix. (7 marks)

    (ii) Market Penetration
    With regard to existing products it would appear that a strategy of market penetration is being followed, whereby attempts
    are made to sell existing products into existing markets. This is a low risk strategy which is most unlikely to lead to high
    rates of growth, reflected in the forecast increase of 2% per annum in the years ending 30 November 2008 and 2009.
    Management seeks here to increase its market share with the current product range. In pursuing a penetration strategy
    the management of Vision plc may to some extent be able to exploit opportunities including the following:
    – Encouraging existing customers to buy more of their brand
    – Encouraging customers who are buying a competitor’s brand to switch to their brand
    – Encouraging non-users within the segment to buy their brand
    ‘Strengths’ within the current portfolio will need to be consolidated and any areas of weakness addressed with remedial
    Market Development
    The purchase of the retail outlets will enable management to sell existing products via new channels of distribution. The
    products of both the Astronomy and Outdoor Pursuits divisions could be sold via the retail outlets. Very often new
    markets can be established in geographical terms. Management could, for example, look to promote the sale of
    microscopes and associated equipment to overseas hospitals.
    Product Development
    The launch of the Birdcam-V is an example of a product development strategy whereby new products are targeted at
    existing markets. Very often, existing products can be improved, or if an organisation possesses adequate resources,
    completely new products can be developed to meet existing market needs. Some of the main risks here lie in the ‘time
    to market’ and product development costs which frequently go well beyond initial estimates.
    The purchase of Racquets Ltd is an example of diversification on the part of Vision plc since the products and markets
    of Racquets Ltd bear no relationship to the existing products and markets of the company. In this regard the
    diversification is said to be unrelated.
    The establishment of the Oceanic division could be regarded as a related diversification since existing technology will be
    used to develop new products for new markets. The success of this strategy will very much depend on the strength of
    the Vision brand.

  • 第8题:

    (b) Explain how growth may be assessed, and critically discuss the advantages and issues that might arise as a

    result of a decision by the directors of CSG to pursue the objective of growth. (8 marks)

    (b) Growth may be measured in a number of ways which are as follows:
    Cash flow
    This is a very important measure of growth as it ultimately determines the amount of funds available for re-investment by any
    Sales revenue
    Growth in sales revenues generated is only of real value to investors if it precipitates growth in profits.
    There are many measures relating to profit which include sales margin, earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and
    amortisation (EBITDA) and earnings per share. More sophisticated measures such as return on capital employed and residual
    income consider the size of the investment relative to the level of profits earned. In general terms, measures of profitability
    are only meaningful if they are used as a basis for comparisons over time or in conjunction with other measures of
    performance. Growth rate in profitability are useful when compared with other companies and also with other industries.
    Return on investment
    A growing return upon invested capital suggests that capital is being used more and more productively. Indicators of a growing
    return would be measured by reference to dividend payment and capital growth.
    Market share
    Growth in market share is generally seen as positive as it can generate economies of scale.
    Number of products/service offerings
    Growth is only regarded as useful if products and services are profitable.
    Number of employees
    Measures of productivity such as value added per employee and profit per employee are often used by shareholders in
    assessing growth. Very often an increased headcount is a measure of success in circumstances where more people are
    needed in order to deliver a service to a required standard. However it is incumbent on management to ensure that all
    employees are utilised in an effective manner.
    It is a widely held belief that growth requires profits and that growth produces profits. Profits are essential in order to prevent
    a company which has achieved growth from becoming a target for a take-over or in a worse case scenario goes into
    liquidation. Hence it is fundamental that a business is profitable throughout its existence. Growth accompanied by growth in
    profits is also likely to aid the long-term survival of an organisation. CSG operates in Swingland which experiences fluctuations
    in its economic climate and in this respect the exploitation of profitable growth opportunities will help CSG to survive at the
    expense of its competitors who do not exploit such opportunities.
    Note: Alternative relevant discussion and examples would be accepted.

  • 第9题:

    (c) (i) Compute Gloria’s capital gains tax liability for 2006/07 ignoring any claims or elections available to

    reduce the liability. (3 marks)



  • 第10题:

    (c) (i) Explain how Messier Ltd can assist Galileo with the cost of relocating to the UK and/or provide him with

    interest-free loan finance for this purpose without increasing his UK income tax liability; (3 marks)

    (c) (i) Relocation costs
    Direct assistance
    Messier Ltd can bear the cost of certain qualifying relocation costs of Galileo up to a maximum of £8,000 without
    increasing his UK income tax liability. Qualifying costs include the legal, professional and other fees in relation to the
    purchase of a house, the costs of travelling to the UK and the cost of transporting his belongings. The costs must be
    incurred before the end of the tax year following the year of the relocation, i.e. by 5 April 2010.
    Assistance in the form. of a loan
    Messier Ltd can provide Galileo with an interest-free loan of up to £5,000 without giving rise to any UK income tax.

  • 第11题:

    (b) Explain the matters that should be considered when planning the nature and scope of the examination of

    Cusiter Co’s forecast balance sheet and income statement as prepared for the bank. (7 marks)

    (b) Matters to be considered
    Tutorial note: Candidates at this level must appreciate that the matters to be considered when planning the nature and
    scope of the examination are not the same matters to be considered when deciding whether or not to accept an
    engagement. The scenario clearly indicates that the assignment is being undertaken by the current auditor rendering any
    ‘pre-engagement’/‘professional etiquette’ considerations irrelevant to answering this question.
    This PFI has been prepared to show an external user, the bank, the financial consequences of Cusiter’s plans to help the bank
    in making an investment decision. If Cusiter is successful in its loan application the PFI provides a management tool against
    which the results of investing in the plant and equipment can be measured.
    The PFI is unpublished rather than published. That is, it is prepared at the specific request of a third party, the bank. It will
    not be published to users of financial information in general.
    The auditor’s report on the PFI will provide only negative assurance as to whether the assumptions provide a reasonable basis
    for the PFI and an opinion whether the PFI is:
    ■ properly prepared on the basis of the assumptions; and
    ■ presented in accordance with the relevant financial reporting framework.
    The nature of the engagement is an examination to obtain evidence concerning:
    ■ the reasonableness and consistency of assumptions made;
    ■ proper preparation (on the basis of stated assumptions); and
    ■ consistent presentation (with historical financial statements, using appropriate accounting principles).
    Such an examination is likely to take the form. of inquiry, analytical procedures and corroboration.
    The period of time covered by the prospective financial information is two years. The assumptions for 2008 are likely to be
    more speculative than for 2007, particularly in relation to the impact on earnings, etc of the investment in new plant and
    The forecast for the year to 31 December 2007 includes an element of historical financial information (because only part of
    this period is in the future) hence actual evidence should be available to verify the first three months of the forecast (possibly
    more since another three-month period will expire at the end of the month).
    Cusiter management’s previous experience in preparing PFI will be relevant. For example, in making accounting estimates
    (e.g. for provisions, impairment losses, etc) or preparing cash flow forecasts (e.g. in support of the going concern assertion).
    The basis of preparation of the forecast. For example, the extent to which it comprises:
    ■ proforma financial information (i.e. historical financial information adjusted for the effects of the planned loan and capital
    expenditure transaction);
    ■ new information and assumptions about future performance (e.g. the operating capacity of the new equipment, sales
    generated, etc).
    The nature and scope of any standards/guidelines under which the PFI has been prepared is likely to assist the auditor in
    discharging their responsibilities to report on it. Also, ISAE 3400 The Examination of Prospective Financial Information,
    establishes standards and provides guidance on engagements to examine and report on PFI including examination
    The planned nature and scope of the examination is likely to take into account the time and fee budgets for the assignments
    as adjusted for any ‘overlap’ with audit work. For example, the examination of the PFI is likely to draw on the auditor’s
    knowledge of the business obtained in auditing the financial statements to 31 December 2006. Analytical procedures carried
    out in respect of the PFI may provide evidence relevant to the 31 December 2007 audit.

  • 第12题:

    Following a competitive tender, your audit firm Cal & Co has just gained a new audit client Tirrol Co. You are the manager in charge of planning the audit work. Tirrol Co’s year end is 30 June 2009 with a scheduled date to complete the audit of 15 August 2009. The date now is 3 June 2009.

    Tirrol Co provides repair services to motor vehicles from 25 different locations. All inventory, sales and purchasing systems are computerised, with each location maintaining its own computer system. The software in each location is

    the same because the programs were written specifically for Tirrol Co by a reputable software house. Data from each location is amalgamated on a monthly basis at Tirrol Co’s head office to produce management and financial accounts.

    You are currently planning your audit approach for Tirrol Co. One option being considered is to re-write Cal & Co’s audit software to interrogate the computerised inventory systems in each location of Tirrol Co (except for head office)

    as part of inventory valuation testing. However, you have also been informed that any computer testing will have to be on a live basis and you are aware that July is a major holiday period for your audit firm.


    (a) (i) Explain the benefits of using audit software in the audit of Tirrol Co; (4 marks)

    (ii) Explain the problems that may be encountered in the audit of Tirrol Co and for each problem, explain

    how that problem could be overcome. (10 marks)

    (b) Following a discussion with the management at Tirrol Co you now understand that the internal audit department are prepared to assist with the statutory audit. Specifically, the chief internal auditor is prepared to provide you with documentation on the computerised inventory systems at Tirrol Co. The documentation provides details of the software and shows diagrammatically how transactions are processed through the inventory system. This documentation can be used to significantly decrease the time needed to understand the computer systems and enable audit software to be written for this year’s audit.


    Explain how you will evaluate the computer systems documentation produced by the internal audit

    department in order to place reliance on it during your audit. (6 marks)


  • 第13题:

    (c) Explain how Perfect Shopper might re-structure its downstream supply chain to address the problems

    identified in the scenario. (10 marks)

    (c) A number of opportunities appear to exist in the downstream supply chain.
    As already mentioned above, Perfect Shopper can revisit its contract distribution arrangements. At present, distribution to
    neighbourhood shops is in the hands of locally appointed contract distributors. As already suggested, it may be possible to
    contract one integrated logistics company to carry out both inbound and outbound logistics, so gaining economies of scale
    and opportunities for branding.
    One of the problems identified in the independent report was the inflexibility of the ordering and delivering system. The
    ordering system appears to be built around a fixed standard delivery made every two weeks, agreed in advance for a three
    month period. Variations can be made to this standard order, but only increases – not decreases. Presumably, this
    arrangement is required to allow Perfect Shopper to forecast demand over a three month period and to place bulk orders to
    reflect these commitments. However, this may cause at least two problems. The first is that participating shops place a
    relatively low standard order and rely on variations to fulfil demand. This causes problems for Perfect Shopper. Secondly, any
    unpredictable fall in demand during the three month period leads to the shop having storage problems and unsold stock. This
    potentially creates problems for the shop owner, who may also begin to question the value of the franchise. Hence Perfect
    Shopper might wish to consider a much more flexible system where orders can be made to match demand and deliveries
    can be made as required. This would also remove the requirement for a three monthly meeting between the franchisee andthe sales representative from Perfect Shopper. Investments in IT systems will be required to support this, with participating
    shops placing orders over the Internet to reflect their requirements. This move towards a more flexible purchasing arrangement
    may also make the outsourcing of warehousing and distribution even more appealing.
    Perfect Shopper may also wish to investigate whether they can also provide value added services to customers, which not
    only simplify the ordering system but also allow the shop managers to better understand their customers and fulfil their
    requirements. The supply chain may legitimately include the customer’s customers, particularly for franchisers. This is already
    acknowledged because Perfect Shopper produces tailored marketing material aimed at the end-consumer. Point of Sales (PoS)
    devices feeding information back to Perfect Shopper would allow sales information to be analysed and fed back to the
    shopkeeper as well as allowing automatic replenishment based on purchasing trends. However, this may be culturally difficult
    for independent neighbourhood shopkeepers to accept. Furthermore, it would potentially include information outside the
    products offered by Perfect Shopper and the implications of this would have to be considered. However, a whole shop sales
    analysis might be a useful service to offer existing and potential franchisees.
    Customers are increasingly willing to order products over the Internet. It seems unlikely that individual shopkeepers would be
    able to establish and maintain their own Internet-based service. It would be useful for Perfect Shopper to explore the potential
    of establishing a central website with customers placing orders from local shops. Again there are issues about scope, because
    Perfect Shopper does not offer a whole-shop service. However, Michael de Kare-Silver has identified groceries as a product
    area that has good potential for Internet purchase. In his electronic shopping potential test any product scoring over 20 hasgood potential. Groceries scored 27.

  • 第14题:

    (ii) Explain the accounting treatment under IAS39 of the loan to Bromwich in the financial statements of

    Ambush for the year ended 30 November 2005. (4 marks)

    (ii) There is objective evidence of impairment because of the financial difficulties and reorganisation of Bromwich. The
    impairment loss on the loan will be calculated by discounting the estimated future cash flows. The future cash flows
    will be $100,000 on 30 November 2007. This will be discounted at an effective interest rate of 8% to give a present
    value of $85,733. The loan will, therefore, be impaired by ($200,000 – $85,733) i.e. $114,267.
    (Note: IAS 39 requires accrual of interest on impaired loans at the original effective interest rate. In the year to
    30 November 2006 interest of 8% of $85,733 i.e. $6,859 would be accrued.)

  • 第15题:

    (b) Using the TARA framework, construct four possible strategies for managing the risk presented by Product 2.

    Your answer should describe each strategy and explain how each might be applied in the case.

    (10 marks)

    (b) Risk management strategies and Chen Products
    Risk transference strategy
    This would involve the company accepting a portion of the risk and seeking to transfer a part to a third party. Although an
    unlikely possibility given the state of existing claims, insurance against future claims would serve to limit Chen’s potential
    losses and place a limit on its losses. Outsourcing manufacture may be a way of transferring risk if the ourtsourcee can be
    persuaded to accept some of the product liability.
    Risk avoidance strategy
    An avoidance strategy involves discontinuing the activity that is exposing the company to risk. In the case of Chen this would
    involve ceasing production of Product 2. This would be pursued if the impact (hazard) and probability of incurring an
    acceptable level of liability were both considered to be unacceptably high and there were no options for transference or
    Risk reduction strategy
    A risk reduction strategy involves seeking to retain a component of the risk (in order to enjoy the return assumed to be
    associated with that risk) but to reduce it and thereby limit its ability to create liability. Chen produces four products and it
    could reconfigure its production capacity to produce proportionately more of Products 1, 3 and 4 and proportionately less of
    Product 2. This would reduce Product 2 in the overall portfolio and therefore Chen’s exposure to its risks. This would need
    to be associated with instructions to other departments (e.g. sales and marketing) to similarly reconfigure activities to sell
    more of the other products and less of Product 2.
    Risk acceptance strategy
    A risk acceptance strategy involves taking limited or no action to reduce the exposure to risk and would be taken if the returns
    expected from bearing the risk were expected to be greater than the potential liabilities. The case mentions that Product 2 is
    highly profitable and it may be that the returns attainable by maintaining and even increasing Product 2’s sales are worth the
    liabilities incurred by compensation claims. This is a risk acceptance strategy.

  • 第16题:

    (c) Identify TWO QUALITATIVE benefits that might arise as a consequence of the investment in a new IT system

    and explain how you would attempt to assess them. (4 marks)

    (c) One of the main qualitative benefits that may arise from an investment in a new IT system by Moffat Ltd is the improved level
    of service to its customers in the form. of reduced waiting times which may arise as a consequence of better scheduling of
    appointments, inventory management etc. This could be assessed via the introduction of a questionnaire requiring customers
    to rate the service that they have received from their recent visit to a location within Moffat Ltd according to specific criteria
    such as adherence to appointment times, time taken to service the vehicle, cleanliness of the vehicle, attitude of staff etc.
    Alternatively a follow-up telephone call from a centralised customer services department may be made by Moffat Ltd
    personnel in order to gather such information.
    Another qualitative benefit of the proposed investment may arise in the form. of competitive advantage. Improvements in
    customer specific information and service levels may give Moffat Ltd a competitive advantage. Likewise, improved inventory
    management may enable costs to be reduced thereby enabling a ‘win-win’ relationship to be enjoyed with its customers.

  • 第17题:

    (ii) Explain THREE strategies that might be adopted in order to improve the future prospects of Diverse

    Holdings Plc. (6 marks)

    (ii) The forecast situation of Diverse Holdings Plc is not without its problems. KAL and OPL require the immediate attention
    of management. The position of KAL is precarious to say the least. There is a choice of strategies for it:
    (i) Outsource the manufacture of appliances
    (ii) Set up a manufacturing operation overseas
    (ii) Withdraw from the market.
    Each alternative must be assessed. Whatever decision is taken it is unlikely to affect the other four subsidiaries.
    PSL is also independent of the other subsidiaries. A strategic decision to widen its range of products and outlets must
    surely help. Hence management should endeavour to find new markets for its products, which are separate and distinct
    from those markets served by its appointed distributors.
    In order to improve the prospects of OPL management need to adopt appropriate strategies since at the present time the
    company appears to be in a high growth market but is unable to capture a reasonable market share. Perhaps the answer
    lies in increased or more effective advertising of the endorsement of the product range by health and safety experts.
    Management should endeavour to develop a strategy to integrate further its subsidiaries so that they can benefit from
    each other and also derive as much synergy as possible from the acquisition of HTL.
    It is of paramount importance that management ensure that sufficient funds are channelled into growing OFL and HTL,
    which are both showing a rising trend in profitability. The group has depleted cash reserves which must to some extent
    be attributable to the purchase of HTL. It is possible that the divestment of KAL would provide some much needed

  • 第18题:

    (c) Explain how the use of activity-based techniques may benefit Taliesin Ltd. (5 marks)

    (c) The usefulness of activity-based techniques is accentuated in situations where overheads comprise a significant proportion of
    product costs. Manufacturing overheads comprise 30·9% of turnover during the year ended 31 May 2005. Traditional
    methods of allocating overheads to products might result in product cost information which is misleading and detrimental to
    managerial decision-making. Calculations of product costs are more prone to error in situations where higher levels of
    overhead exist. The consequences can prove disastrous as, for example, in the under-pricing or over-pricing of products.
    Since Taliesin Ltd is going to confine its activities to its home country it must be prepared to face increased competition and
    this increases the need for greater visibility and more accurate product cost information.
    At present, Taliesin Ltd offers a range of products which is increasing in number and this may lead to the need for a more
    detailed costing system. Traditional absorption systems might well be inadequate as the number of product variants increases.
    One would expect that each new product developed is more complex than its predecessors. The company would probably
    start with simple Vanilla, then a few basic flavours but as Taliesin Ltd has expanded one would expect it to take longer to
    originate and test new products until they are ready to be introduced. It will probably take longer to mix the ingredients for a
    run of each product.
    These two, development and mixing ingredients, are examples of activities which arise when new products are considered.
    If traditional absorption costing and budgeting are used based on machine-time in production then the effect of these activities
    would be ignored.
    In order to gain a full appreciation of the impact of new product introduction activity-based techniques should be used to
    guide Taliesin Ltd into the easiest way to maintain its policy of growth. It may be a better decision to expand abroad or into
    new markets at home with the existing products than pursue growth by introducing new products to a dwindling number of
    We are not told of the composition of the customer base of Taliesin Ltd. However, one thing we do know is that the scope of
    activity-based techniques extends beyond products and services. For example, the application of activity-based costing can
    provide vital information that enables management to undertake customer profitability analysis, thereby further improving
    management decision-making and operating performance.

  • 第19题:

    (ii) Briefly explain the extent to which the application of sensitivity analysis might be useful in deciding

    which refrigeration system to purchase and discuss the limitations inherent in its use. (3 marks)

    (ii) Sensitivity analysis could be used to assess how responsive the NPV calculated in part (a) in respect of each decision
    option change is to changes in the variables used to calculate it. The application of sensitivity analysis requires that the
    net present values are calculated under alternative assumptions in order to determine how sensitive they are to changing
    conditions. In this particular example then a relatively small change in the forecast cash flows might lead to a change
    in the investment decision. The application of sensitivity analysis can indicate those variables to which the NPV is most
    sensitive and the extent to which these variables may change before an investment results in a negative NPV. Thus the
    application of sensitivity analysis may provide management with an indication of why a particular project might fail. The
    directors of Stay Cool Ltd should give consideration to the potential variations in the independent variables which feature
    in the decision-making process such as:
    – estimated revenues
    – estimated operating costs
    – estimated working lives
    – estimated repair costs
    – the estimated discount rate i.e. cost of capital of each alternative investment.
    Sensitivity analysis has some serious limitations. The use of the method requires changes in each variable under
    consideration are isolated. However management may be focused on what happens if changes occur in two or more
    critical variables. Another problem relating to the use of sensitivity analysis to forecast outcomes lies in the fact that it
    provides no indication of the likelihood of the occurrence of changes in critical variables.

  • 第20题:

    (c) Explain how the introduction of an ERPS could impact on the role of management accountants. (5 marks)

    (c) The introduction of ERPS has the potential to have a significant impact on the work of management accountants. The use of
    ERPS causes a substantial reduction in the gathering and processing of routine information by management accountants.
    Instead of relying on management accountants to provide them with information, managers are able to access the system to
    obtain the information they require directly via a suitable electronic access medium.
    ERPS integrate separate business functions in one system for the entire organisation and therefore co-ordination is usually
    undertaken centrally by information management specialists who have a dual responsibility for the implementation and
    operation of the system.
    ERPS perform. routine tasks that not so long ago were seen as an essential part of the daily routines of management
    accountants, for example perpetual inventory valuation. Therefore if the value of the role of management accountants is not
    to be diminished then it is of necessity that management accountants should seek to expand their roles within their
    The management accountant will also control and audit the ERPS data input and analysis. Hence the implementation of ERPS
    provides the management accountant with an opportunity to change the emphasis of their role from information gathering
    and processing to that of the role of advisers and internal consultants to their organisations. This new role will require
    management accountants to be involved in interpreting the information generated from the ERPS and to provide business
    support for all levels of management within an organisation.

  • 第21题:

    (iii) State any disadvantages to the relief in (i) that Sharon should be aware of, and identify and describe

    another relief that she might use. (4 marks)

    (iii) There are several disadvantages to incorporation relief as follows:
    1. The requirement to transfer all business assets to the company means that it will not be possible to leave behind
    certain assets, such as the property. This might lead to a double tax charge (sale of the property, then extraction
    of sale proceeds) at a future date.
    2. Taper relief is lost on the transfer of the business. This means that any disposal of chargeable business assets (the
    shares) within two years of the incorporation will lead to a higher chargeable gain, as the full rate of business asset
    taper relief will not be available.
    3. The relief does not eliminate the tax charge, it merely defers the payment of tax until some future event. The
    deferred gain will become taxable when Sharon sells her shares in the company.
    Gift relief could be used instead of incorporation relief. The assets would be gifted to the company for no consideration,
    with the base cost of the assets to the company being reduced by the deferred gain arising. Unlike incorporation relief,
    gift relief applies to individual assets used in a trade and not to an entire business. This is particularly useful if the
    transferor wishes to retain some assets, such as property outside the company, as not all assets have to be transferred.
    Note: If the business was non-trading, incorporation relief would still be available, but gift relief would not. However,
    this restriction should not apply to Sharon and gift relief remains an option in this case.

  • 第22题:

    (b) Illustrate how you might use analytical procedures to provide audit evidence and reduce the level of detailed

    substantive procedures. (7 marks)

    (b) Illustration of use of analytical procedures as audit evidence
    Tutorial note: Note that ‘as audit evidence’ requires consideration of substantive analytical procedures rather that the
    identification of risks (relevant to part (a)).
    Analytical procedures may be used in testing revenue for completeness of recording (‘understatement’). The average selling
    price of a vehicle in 2005 was $68,830 ($526·0 million ÷ 7,642 vehicles). Applying this to the number of vehicles sold
    in 2006, might be projected to generate $698·8 million ($68,830 × 10,153) revenue from the sale of vehicles. The draft
    financial statements therefore show a potential shortfall of $110·8 million ($(698·8 – 588·0) million) that is, 15·6%.
    This should be investigated and substantiated through more detailed analytical procedures. For example, the number of
    vehicles sold should be analysed into models and multiplied by the list price of each for a more accurate estimate of potential
    revenue. The impact of discounts and other incentives (e.g. 0% finance) on the list prices should then be allowed for. If
    recorded revenue for 2006 (as per draft income statement adjusted for cutoff and consignment inventories) is materially lower
    than that calculated, detailed substantive procedures may be required in order to show that there is no material error.
    ‘Proof in total’/reasonableness tests
    The material correctness, or otherwise, of income statement items (in particular) may be assessed through appropriate ‘proof
    in total’ calculations (or ‘reasonableness’ tests). For example:
    ■ Employee benefits costs: the average number of employees by category (waged/salaried/apprenticed) × the average pay
    rate for each might prove that in total $91·0 million (as adjusted to actual at 31 December 2006) is not materially
    misstated. The average number of employees needs to be checked substantively (e.g. recalculated based on the number
    of employees on each payroll) and the average pay rates (e.g. to rates agreed with employee representatives).
    Tutorial note: An alternative reasonableness might be to take last year’s actual adjusted for 2006 numbers of
    employees grossed-up for any pay increases during the year (pro-rated as necessary).
    ■ Depreciation: the cost (or net book value) of each category of asset × by the relevant straight-line (or reducing balance)
    depreciation rate. If a ‘ballpark’ calculation for the year is materially different to the annual charge a more detailed
    calculation can be made using monthly depreciation calculations. The cost (or net book value) on which depreciation
    is calculated should be substantively tested, for example by agreeing brought forward balances to prior year working
    papers and additions to purchase invoices (costings in respect of assets under construction).
    Tutorial note: Alternatively, last year’s depreciation charge may be reconciled to this year’s by considering depreciation
    rates applied to brought forward balances with adjustments for additions/disposals.
    ■ Interest income: an average interest rate for the year can be applied to the monthly balance invested (e.g. in deposit
    accounts) and compared with the amount recognised for the year to 31 December 2006 (as adjusted for any accrued
    interest per the bank letter for audit purposes). The monthly balances (or averages) on which the calculation is
    performed should be substantiated to bank deposit statements.
    ■ Interest expense: if the cash balances do not go into overdraft then this may be similar expenses (e.g. prompt payment
    discounts to customers). If this is to particular dealers then a proof in total might be to apply the discount rate to the
    amounts invoiced to the dealer during the period.
    Immaterial items
    For immaterial items analytical procedures alone may provide sufficient audit evidence that amounts in the financial
    statements are not materially misstated so that detailed substantive procedures are not required. For example, a comparison
    of administration and distribution, maintenance and insurance costs for 2006 compared with 2005 may be sufficient to show
    that material error is highly unlikely. If necessary, further reasonableness tests could be performed. For example, considering
    insurance costs to value of assets insured or maintenance costs to costs of assets maintained.
    Ratio analysis
    Ratio analysis can provide substantive evidence that income statement and balance sheet items are not materially misstated
    by considering their inter-relationships. For example:
    ■ Asset turnover: Based on the draft financial statements property, plant and equipment has turned over 5·2 times
    ($645·5/124·5) compared with 5·9 times in 2005. This again highlights that income may be overstated, or assets
    overstated (e.g. if depreciation is understated).
    ■ Inventory turnover: Using cost of materials adjusted for changes in inventories this has remained stable at 10·9 times.
    Tutorial note: This is to be expected as in (a) the cost in the income statement has increased by 9% and the value of
    inventories by 8·5%.
    Inventories represent the smallest asset value on the balance sheet at 31 December 2006 (7·8% of total assets).
    Therefore substantive procedures may be limited to agreeing physical count of material items (vehicles) and agreeing
    ■ Average collection period: This has increased to 41 days (73·1/645·5 × 365) from 30 days. Further substantive analysis
    is required, for example, separating out non-current amounts (for sales on 0% finance terms). Substantive procedures
    may be limited to confirmation of amounts due from dealers (and/or receipt of after-date cash) and agreeing cutoff of
    goods on consignment.
    ■ Payment periods: This has remained constant at 37 days (2005 – 38 days). Detailed substantive procedures may be
    restricted to reconciling only major suppliers’ statements and agreeing the cutoff on parts purchased from them.

  • 第23题:

    (b) Explain the principal audit procedures to be performed during the final audit in respect of the estimated

    warranty provision in the balance sheet of Island Co as at 30 November 2007. (5 marks)

    (b) ISA 540 Audit of Accounting Estimates requires that auditors should obtain sufficient audit evidence as to whether an
    accounting estimate, such as a warranty provision, is reasonable given the entity’s circumstances, and that disclosure is
    appropriate. One, or a combination of the following approaches should be used:
    Review and test the process used by management to develop the estimate
    – Review contracts or orders for the terms of the warranty to gain an understanding of the obligation of Island Co
    – Review correspondence with customers during the year to gain an understanding of claims already in progress at the
    year end
    – Perform. analytical procedures to compare the level of warranty provision year on year, and compare actual to budgeted
    provisions. If possible disaggregate the data, for example, compare provision for specific types of machinery or customer
    by customer
    – Re-calculate the warranty provision
    – Agree the percentage applied in the calculation to the stated accounting policy of Island Co
    – Review board minutes for discussion of on-going warranty claims, and for approval of the amount provided
    – Use management accounts to ascertain normal level of warranty rectification costs during the year
    – Discuss with Kate Shannon the assumptions she used to determine the percentage used in her calculations
    – Consider whether assumptions used are consistent with the auditors’ understanding of the business
    – Compare prior year provision with actual expenditure on warranty claims in the accounting period
    – Compare the current year provision with prior year and discuss any fluctuation with Kate Shannon.
    Review subsequent events which confirm the estimate made
    – Review any work carried out post year end on specific faults that have been provided for. Agree that all costs are included
    in the year end provision.
    – Agree cash expended on rectification work in the post balance sheet period to the cash book
    – Agree cash expended on rectification work post year end to suppliers’ invoices, or to internal cost ledgers if work carried
    out by employees of Island Co
    – Read customer correspondence received post year end for any claims received since the year end.