题14 丽江县位于云南省西北部,是纳西族人民聚居的地方。丽江县城即丽江古城,始建于宋代,距今已有近800年的历史。占地1.5平方公里,以四方街为中心,整体原貌保存完整。其建筑融汇了白族和汉族的建筑特色,形成了纳西族轻灵飘逸的独特风格。古城北依象山,西枕狮山,不筑城墙。清澈的玉泉水分东、西、中三股流入城中,又分无数支流,绕街究镇,入墙过屋,淌遍小街窄巷,形成“家家泉水,户户垂柳”的宜人景象。古城石桥密布,大街小巷路面用彩花石铺成。城中房舍多为三坊一照壁,也有不少四合院,院内种花植树,更显古雅秀丽,素有“丽郡从来喜植树,山城无处不养花”之称。在城中游览,所见尽是明清文物,令人充满怀古之幽情。
The Lijiang County, where the Naxi Ethnic Minority has lived for generations, is located in the north-eastern part of Yunnan Province. The Old Town of Lijiang is a central town of the Lijiang Autonomous County. Firstly built in the late Song Dynasty, it has a history of more than 800 years. The intact Old Town covers an area of 3.8 square kilometers centering at the Square Street and are kept in a good state of preservation. The buildings in the town incorporate the architectural traits of Han and Bai ethnicity into a unique elegant Naxi style. Embraced by Elephant and Mountains in the north and the Lion Mountain in the west, the town calls for no defending walls. The crystal clear water of the Jade Spring flows into the town from the east, the west and in between, and then subdivided into streams throughout the town, along the streets and the lanes, around the houses and the walls, forming the pleasant sight of streams and willow trees by every family. The Old Town is dotted with stone bridges and lined with streets that are paved by the massive and fine-grained local bluestones. The buildings in the town are mostly compounds with houses around a courtyard except the front, many of which are quadrangles. As the gardens are always refined with beautiful flowers and trees, there goes the old saying “trees have long been loved in Lijiang Town and flowers have everywhere been planted in the Mountain Town.” All the relics from the Ming and Qing Dynasties will add a sense of antiquity and mystery to the Old Town.