参考答案: 正确
更多“A: Hi, Dave. How's it going? B: Pretty good.() ”相关问题
  • 第1题:

    A: ( )is the nearest chemist's? B: On the corner.

    A. What B. Where

    C. How


  • 第2题:

    - Hi, Joe. Haven't seen you for ages! How'severything going?- ().

    A、Just so-so.

    B、Me, too.

    C、You are welcome.

    D、Oh, my God


  • 第3题:


    A.char a[]="Hi,NEU";printf("%s",a);

    B.char a[5]="Hi,NEU";printf("%s",a);

    C.char a[]='Hi,NEU';printf("%s",a);

    D.char a="Hi,NEU";printf("%s",a);


  • 第4题:

    Jason: Hi, Robert, how's everything with you?

    Robert: _____________, and how are you?

    A、Don't mention it

    B、Hm,not too bad


    D、Pretty fast


  • 第5题:

    ·teaching objectives
    ·teaching contents
    ·key and difficult points
    ·major steps and time allocation
    ·activities and justifications
    Conversation 1
    Tom:How′s the weather down there in Shanghai?
    Peter:It′s cloudy.How′s the weather in Moscow?
    Tom:It′s snowing right now.
    Conversation 2
    Peter:Hi,Aunt Sally.
    Aunt Sally:Hello,Peter.
    Peter:How′s the weather in Boston?
    Aunt Sally:Oh,it′s windy.
    Conversation 3
    Peter:So,how′s the weather in Beijing?
    Julie:It′s sunny.
    Conversation 4
    Peter:Hi,Uncle Bill.
    Uncle Bill:Hello,Peter.
    Peter:How′s the weather in Toronto?
    Uncle Bill:It′s raining,as usual!

    Teaching Contents:Four dialogues about the weather.Teaching Objectives:
    (1)Knowledge objectives
    ①Students can master some words of weather,such as"cloudy,snow,windy,sunny,rain".
    ②Students can talk about weather with others by using the sentence patterns"How's the weather in...?""It's...".
    (2)Ability objectives
    ①Students can improve their listening abilities through extensive listening and intensive listening.
    ②Students can develop their speaking abilities by role play.
    (3)Emotional objectives
    ①Students are willing to communicate with each other in English.
    ②Students can become interested in using English to describe weather in their daily life.
    Teaching Key Point:
    Students can master the words about weather and sentence patterns"How's the weather in...?""It's...".
    Teaching Difficult Point:
    Students can use new sentence patterns to talk about the weather correctly.
    Major Steps:
    Step 1 Pre-listening(4 minutes)
    Teach these new words by presenting pictures of different weather conditions on the screen,and then,let students?read the words after the tape.
    (Justification:This step can arouse students'interest and pave the way for students'listening activity.)
    Step 2 While-listening(10 minutes)
    Task 1
    Play the tape and ask students to summarize the main idea,then talk about and write down which cities are?mentioned in the listening material.
    For example:Shanghai,Moscow,Boston,Beijing,and Toronto.
    Task 2
    Ask students to listen to the tape for the second time and fill in the following table.

    Task 3
    Ask students to find out the key sentences describing weather.Then let students learn the sentence patterns by?changing the underlined part into the new words.
    E.g.--How's the weather inBeijing?
    --It's sunny.
    (Justification:Through extensive listening,students will grasp the main content of this listening material.Through intensive listening,students will enhance their ability of grasping specific information.)
    Step 3 Post-listening(6 minutes)
    Group work:Role play
    Ask students to do a role play in groups of four.Students act as weather reporters to give weather forecast of?different cities in turn.After 5 minutes,each group will choose a representative to perform it in front of the class.
    For example:
    Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.Here is the weather forecast of our city.It's cloudy tomorrow,and it's?very cold,so you should wear more clothes when you go outside.It has a strong wind in the afternoon,and it will be?raining the day after tomorrow.
    (Justification:With practice,students can not only review the knowledge that they have learned,but also develop?their speaking ability.)