从供选择的答案中选出应填入下列叙述中()内的正确答案:在高级语言中,子程序调用语句中的(A) 在个数、类型、/I匝序方面都要与子程序说明中给出的(B) 相一致。用高级语言编写的程序经编译后产生的程序叫(C) 。用不同语言编写的程序产生(C) 后,可用(D) 连接在一起生成机器可执行的程序。在机器里真正执行的是(E)。供选择的答案A、B;①实际参数 ②条件参数 ③形式参数 ④局部参数⑤全局参数C~E:①源程序 ②目标程序 ③函数 ④过程⑤机器指令代码 ⑥模块 ⑦连接程序 ⑧程序库



在高级语言中,子程序调用语句中的(A) 在个数、类型、/I匝序方面都要与子程序说明中给出的(B) 相一致。用高级语言编写的程序经编译后产生的程序叫(C) 。用不同语言编写的程序产生(C) 后,可用(D) 连接在一起生成机器可执行的程序。在机器里真正执行的是(E)。


A、B;①实际参数 ②条件参数 ③形式参数 ④局部参数


C~E:①源程序 ②目标程序 ③函数 ④过程

⑤机器指令代码 ⑥模块 ⑦连接程序 ⑧程序库

更多“从供选择的答案中选出应填入下列叙述中()内的正确答案: 在高级语言中,子程序调用语句中的(A) 在 ”相关问题
  • 第1题:


    Software quality assurance is now an (A) sub-discipline of software engineering. As Buckly and Oston point out, (B) software quality assurance is likely to lead to an ultimate (C) of software costs. However, the major hurdle in the path of software management in this area is the lack of (D) software standards. The development of accepted and generally applicable standards should be one of the principal goals of (E) in software engineering.

    A: ① emerging ② emergent ③ engaging ④ evolve

    B: ① effective ② effortless ③ light ④ week

    C: ① balance ② growth ③ production ④ reduction

    D: ① usable ② usage ③ useless ④ useness

    E: ① management ② planning ③ production ④ research

    正确答案:A: ① B: ① C: ② D: ① E: ④
    A: ① B: ① C: ② D: ① E: ④

  • 第2题:


    You should be (A) of developing your program, using something better than the method that uses the philosophy: write (B) down and then try to get it working. Surprisingly, this method is wide used to day with result that an average programmer on an average job (C) out only between five to ten lines of correct code per day. We hope your (D) will be greater. But to improve requires that you apply some discipline to the (E) of creating programs.

    A: ① available ② capable ③ useful ④ valuable

    B: ① anything ② nothing ③ something ④ thing

    C: ① does ② looks ③ turns ④ runs

    D: ① activity ② code ③ productivity ④ program

    E: ① process ② experience ③ habit ④ idea

    正确答案:A: ② B: ③ C: ③ D: ③ E: ①
    A: ② B: ③ C: ③ D: ③ E: ①

  • 第3题:






    A、B:①双精度型、枚举和数组 ②数组、记录和联合

    ③指针、数组和记录 ④实型、布尔型和指针

    ⑤复型、指针和记录 ⑥实型、整型和联合

    C、D:①标准子程序 ②进程 ③过程 ④用户定义子和序

    ⑤函数 ⑥分程序 ⑦模块

    E:①栈 ②堆 ③数组 ④链表

    正确答案:A:④ B:② C:③ D:⑤ E:①
    A:④ B:② C:③ D:⑤ E:①

  • 第4题:


    Software design is a(A) process. It requires a certain (B) of flair on the part of the designer. Design can not be learned from a book. It must be practiced and learnt by experience and study of existing systems. A well (C) software system is straight forward to implement and maintain, easily (D) and reliable .Badly (C) software systems, although they may work are (E) to be expensive to maintain, difficult to test and unreliable.

    A: ① create ② created ③ creating ④ creative

    B: ① amount ② amounted ③ mount ④ mounted

    C: ① design ② designed ③ designing ④ designs

    D: ① understand ② understands ③ understanding ④ understood

    E: ① like ② likely ③ unlike ④ unlikely

    正确答案:A: ④ B: ① C: ② D: ④ E: ②
    A: ④ B: ① C: ② D: ④ E: ②

  • 第5题:




    A:①专用软件 ②应用软件

    ③系统软件 ④实用软件

    B:①提交、运行、后备 ②等待、提交、完成

    ③就绪、运行、等待 ④等待,提交、就绪

    C:①宏指令 ②过程调用

    ③函数调用 ④系统调用

    D:①处理器的占用 ②内存的分配

    ③寄存器状态 ④计算方法

    E:①后备、进入、就绪、退出 ②进入、后备、运行、退出

    ③后备、等待、就绪、退出 ④等待、就绪、运行、退出

    正确答案:A:③ B:③ C:④ D:① E:②
    A:③ B:③ C:④ D:① E:②