请评述《唐诗与唐代文化》(上)七讲内容中的至少四讲,包括但不限于 1本讲是否有错误(含字幕、口误、课件、观点等) 2您从本讲学到了什么? 3您从本讲受到了什么启发? 4本讲老师的授课有什么不足或优点? 5哪些问题希望获得更深入更专业的了解? 6希望增加或删减什么课程内容?
The Tang Dynasty witnessed a peak in Chinese culture. Especially ancient poetry flourished in the Tang Dynasty. In more than 300 years of the Tang Dynasty some 48900 poems were handed down and remain widely known today. So many works also made more than 2300 poets famous in history. As far as the writing technique is concerned the Tang poetry combined realism and romanticism. The best-known poets of the Tang Dynasty were Li Bai and Du Fu who are very prestigious in the whole world and people of later generations called both of them as “Li Du” collaboratively. The Tang Dynasty witnessed a peak in Chinese culture. Especially, ancient poetry flourished in the Tang Dynasty. In more than 300 years of the Tang Dynasty, some 48,900 poems were handed down and remain widely known today. So many works also made more than 2,300 poets famous in history. As far as the writing technique is concerned, the Tang poetry combined realism and romanticism. The best-known poets of the Tang Dynasty were Li Bai and Du Fu, who are very prestigious in the whole world and people of later generations called both of them as “Li Du” collaboratively.